Luis Galarza,
Affiliate Marketing Secrets Blog.
Secret Beginners Guide To Affiliate Marketing Using Blogs! Plan 1
Here I want to provide you with a beginners guide or plan to start your
affiliate marketing business today. This guide is specially for those netpreneurs or new online marketers who don't know where to start, what revenue program or online network marketing system (
MLM) to promote, and also for those entrepreneurs who has been marketing other people's products for while without any success...
Budget Needed
All the tools and strategies I going to layout here are free or cheap but really effective. This doesn't mean you don't have to invest some time or a lot of time to get this running. You will be able to start in your spare or part time and them depending on how fast to can build a good monthly income you can start working on it full time.
So, how much investment money do you need? From zero, and up to $100... the little money you need will mostly for bringing traffic to your website.
How Much Money Can You Expect To Make
On your first month if you do your job right you can expect to make a least 40 bucks or even more depending on your traffic, and then it will go up depending on your traffic, content, and blogging behavior.
Don't set any goals yet, until you find the perfect niche for your online business.
...so, this is the plan layout step-by-step:
1.- Review your knowledge and interest.
Do an inventory of your knowledge and interest and write down all your skill, interest, and anything you will love to learn. Make a nice list and then go to Google, Yahoo, and
MSN Bing to search for each of those skills in your list, and pay close attention at the first 10 to 20 websites on the results. Check what they are selling or promoting and how they are doing it. Also, see the amount of competitors at the top of the search page, if this number is to big you better find a small niche in it. If it is too small, maybe it doesn't have a good demand, so stay away from those.
2.- Find the perfect niche market.
Now lets go to
Submit Express keyword suggestion tool and write all those skills and interest with good demand up to 15 per line and see what people are actually using to search for those words online. Then look for more specific keywords which will represent your small targeted niche. Then again go to Google and search for that niche to see who you will be competing against to and how large is the competition. Also, check if there are PPC or Adwords sponsors on the top and right side of the result's page. Then go to Google Trends and check how the demand for such a niche is doing and what's the market is going to be in the next few months.
3.- Create the perfect USM (Unique Selling Message or Proposition).
USM (Unique Selling Message or Proposition) is not other thing than the main tag line of that will identify and separate your company, website, blog, product, or service from your competition's. This is really important because this can help you succeed or fail. Yes, you heard right here is a article I wrote in my main blog that will explain the use of USM better:
"What Is Your Unique Selling Proposition"
4.- Find the best affiliate programs for your niche.
This is crucial for your success, so make sure you do your research on finding the an affiliate program that offers a high quality product or service, and at all possible that has a good company reputation. You can go to
Amazon.com, and
eBay.com which are the best type of affiliate programs that you can promote together with content.
Other excellent associate programs can be found at the big networks:
CJ.com, and
Tip: Do not sign up with every single affiliate program out there, the trick is to find 2 to 4 good ones and stick to those and test results, then you can change or find another one.
6.- Create a list of good information resources.
This is really important because you will need as much information resources as you can find so you can be up to date with information about your niche that will help you write blog post or articles fast. Now the trick is to write the information in your own words, for better explanation about this article marketing strategy read
"Google Knol: The Wikipedia Add-on Trick".
Here are some of the best resources:
5.- Build your niche blog.
There are a ton of blog services out there, some of them are pretty good. But, for this project I will recommend you to stick with
Google Blogger, because even with it limited features Google give a good ranking to his own free blogging service. Make sure to use the "Lable" feature as a category/tagging for each blog post. Use a simple design, keep your links on the right for better
SEO or search engine optimization, don't use any black hat
SEO tricks on any of your blogs (Big NO, NO!), and don't use automatic blog post generators.
If you want to invest some money, here is what you can do: Get a web hosting account, buy a domain name, and you can have Blogger as your blogging tool, but all your post and articles will be save and sound in your own
hosting account. Also you can download Wordpress (free blogging software with alot of features) and use your paid hosting account. Beware! Google hate some of Wordpress plug-ins, so careful, just add what you need.
Is also
Movable Type by Sixapart.com which is a paid blogging service that has some good features.
6.- Sign up with Google Adsense.
Google Adsense is a easy way to generate extra income from your blog, and if you test ad find the best places to put them for better exposure you can make a nice monthly revenue just from Adsense... Is no trick here just quality up to date content to keep your visitors coming for more.
To learn more about how to make money with Adsense
click here.
7.- Let's blog.
Now is time to add some content to your blog. The first couple pages use them as the site information pages like: About the blog, Mission, About the author, etc.... Then add a link to each of those pages right under your current post element and before your RightBar Adsense block.
Now, check all your information resources and start adding content to your blog at least 2 to three post or articles per day, for the first month or so... Then you can go down to only one post per day. Now, make sure you post from Monday through Friday, because those are the best days to get visitors to your site, you can post every single day of the week but if you decide to do it just a few days per week those are the best.
8.- Micro-blogging.
Go to
Twitter and get a free micro-blogging account and post a link with the title of your post for each post you right on your main blog... Also right a title with a link to the latest books about your niche from Amazon.com, this can help make some extra cash, plus create traffic to your main blog.
9.- Let's blog again.
Find other blog community services where you can post and have an instant audience for your blog posts. Then right part of your articles or a teaser description link them to the full article on your main blog using the title of the article as the link. Yeap, even more traffic...
10.- Free Marketing Tactics.
Use blog ping services to add your up to date content to blog networks and directories every time you add a new post. Here are the ones I use:
- Autoping.com: Really good, and can be use on every single update.
- Pingmyblog.com: This pinging service works excellent. Here you can ping up to 20 different sites, the only problem is that the results can't be bookmark for one-click pinging.
- Pingomatic.com: Another popular one that can aslo be use on every update.
- Pingoat.com: Good service but you can only use it one time per day.
11.- Low Cost Marketing Tactics.
Open an account with Google Adwords and set up a few campaigns on sites with relevant audiences like yours. Do not set up a campaign for search results until you learn how to use this advertising medium the right way. To learn more about using Adwords to advertise your website just
click here.
12.- Track, and test, test, test...
Everything you do on the blog layout, Adsense positions, PPC or Adwords advertising, and every affiliate Internet marketing needs to be track and test at least for a months, then do small changes, keep track of those changes, and test again... Your goal is to improve visitor retention, and affiliate or Adsense revenues.
More updates later...
For more information advanced techniques
click here.
To Your Success,
Luis Galarza and Anna Phommatham, Affiliate Marketers.
Free Internet Marketing and Trends.
Offline Marketing & Advertising.